Thursday, January 3, 2013, 03:40 PM
Here is one of the five works from the Winter Show at the Anderson Center in Red Wing. The photograph is from an ongoing series on Wisconsin Highway 35. Voted one of the finest drives in America, the highway is now facing pressure from the fracing sand industry and is probably in its final years as a scenic drive. Although the plant projects a beautiful image at night, it was very noisy when I was there and the local residents complain about dust levels from the fine sand—a known carcinogen according to the companies own material safety data sheets (MSDS). All images are 22X28 Archival Pigment Prints.

Click on image to see larger
Sand Processing Plant, Hager City WI 2012.
Copyright David Husom 2012. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, December 23, 2012, 08:32 PM
Happy Holidays from Western Wisconsin. My favorite Xmas decorations this year. 
Click on image to see larger.
Truck, Hager City Wisconsin, 2012.
Copyright David Husom 2012. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 08:24 PM
I am very happy and proud to say that Two Way Lens, a project of German photographer Michael Werner, has chosen me for this months interview in his online series interviews and portfolios of international photographers. I am in good company and I admit to being a big fan of Michael's own work. Here is the link to the interview.

Click to see larger.
Used Car Dealer, Hager City WI 2012.
Copyright David Husom 2012. All rights reserved.
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Friday, February 24, 2012, 08:51 PM

Issue number three of photoGRAPHICS is now available in print, digital download or Flash based online magazine. The print and digital versions of the magazine are $10.00 for both formats or $1.50 for digital only at Or an online only Flash based version is also available on at
Number three of photoGRAPHICS — Hawaiian Shirts and Seashells at the End of the Highway joins issue two, Windows and Windows, on the Gakkenflex plastic lens camera and issue one, Fremont Street Las Vegas AM to AM, a 24 hour visit to downtown Las Vegas.
Click on image to see a larger version of the cover.
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Monday, January 23, 2012, 05:21 PM

The 35mm twin lens reflex camera was built from a kit available in the Japanese magazine Otona no Kagaku. The easy to assemble camera can be built within about an hour. Basic information on the Gakkenflex camera is included in this issue.
The issue also includes a look at the history of plastic lens photography including the Holga and Diana cameras and ponders the popularity of these cameras. In addition is an essay on a look back at the MOMA exhibit "Mirrors and Windows" organized by John Szarkowski in 1978.
The magazine is available in both print and digital format for $20.00 or digital only for $2.00: Order the magazine from:
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